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Startling domestic abuse statistics

Intimate relationships are meant to foster love and mutual respect between two people. When one partner becomes controlling or abusive, the other may find himself or herself in a day to day struggle for survival. Statistics show that in Louisiana and across the country, abuse by an intimate partner is not as uncommon as some may think. In fact, over 10 million people are victims of domestic violence each year.

While women are more likely to be physically and sexually abused, men still fall victim to abuse by intimate partners, and the numbers are climbing. One in every three women admits to being abused at some point in her lifetime, and one in four men have had similar experiences. However, women are far more likely to be stalked by someone with whom they had a relationship. Almost half of women who reported being raped said the attacker was a current or former partner.

Fifteen percent of all violent crime in the United States is perpetrated against an intimate partner. If there is a gun in the house, the chances increase exponentially that the violence will turn deadly. Every day, more than 20,000 calls are made to domestic violence hotlines across the country. Nevertheless, only 34 percent of people injured in intimate abuse incidents seek medical attention for their injuries.

Victims of domestic violence are known to suffer lifelong consequences of their abuse, including physical pain, anxiety, addictions and depression. Protecting oneself from an abusive partner is vital. Those in Louisiana who need advice and guidance for their abusive situation find assistance by contacting a family law attorney.

Source:, “National Statistics“, Accessed on Nov. 25, 2016

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