Home should be a place of love, warmth and protection. No child or spouse deserves any less than this in their home. Tragically, it is a heartbreaking reality that many victims in Louisiana are living in a situation of domestic violence. The Kiwanis Club of Hammond was recently looking to raise awareness of this serious issue with the message that “Love shouldn’t hurt.”
Domestic violence is a pervasive problem in homes across the country where victims and their loved ones are threatened by harm from a spouse or partner. It is alarming that the rate of domestic violence in Louisiana far exceeds that of the national average. Not only does Louisiana have a 40 percent higher domestic violence rate, but Louisiana also has the fourth-highest homicide rate in the nation.
This violence destroys families and destroys lives. In conjunction, those disturbing statistics translate to mean that over three-quarters of victims killed by homicide in Louisiana are the wives, ex-spouses or girlfriends of the individual that kills them. An individual can feel scared and unsure of how to protect themselves and their loved ones. An attorney can be a lifesaving advocate in such situations.
An attorney can first assist an individual in obtaining a Temporary Restraining Order. After a hearing following the TRO, a long-term protective order can be issued which can work to establish temporary custody, support and other issues including counseling.
When an individual in Lafayette or elsewhere across Louisiana is the victim of spousal abuse, an attorney can be critical to not only assist the individual in divorcing their abuser, but also seeking a protective order in an effort to keep the individual and their loved ones safe. There is help, there is a way out, and the Kiwanis Club is absolutely correct: Love shouldn’t hurt.
Source: The Daily Star, “Domestic violence prevalent in Louisiana,” March 17, 2013
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