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Those regretting their divorce should talk through issues first

After the dust settles in a difficult breakup, most people are eager to move on. However, for some others, regret and desire for reconciliation can sometimes follow a divorce. Louisiana individuals with these feelings may need to talk through issues with their ex, lawyer or a counselor to understand the next steps and whether getting back together is even an option in their case.

When feelings of regret hit, spending some time thinking carefully about the history of the divorce and the reasons for these feelings is a good idea. Have the circumstances that caused the divorce changed? Would things be that different if reconciliation takes place? Does the ex share these feelings? Talk through issues with a trusted friend or professional before approaching an ex with hopes of rekindling an ended marriage.

It is important at every stage in a divorce to remain as level-headed and realistic as possible. While this advice is often given during the process of divorce mediation and negotiations, it also applies following the divorce. While getting back together is a possibility in some rare cases, typically divorce is caused by serious issues that would have been settled before the divorce if it were possible to do so.

One of the reasons people may feel regret about their divorce is a desire to keep their family intact. However, once a divorce has been settled, it may be better to talk through issues and create an agreeable co-parenting plan rather than becoming entangled in a damaged relationship again. Those seeking to get divorced or remarried can benefit from the advice of a Louisiana family lawyer.

Source:, “What To Do When You Regret Your Divorce“, Kurt Smith, May 6, 2018

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