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Single parents: It is okay to admit that you are imperfect

The American experience tends to be hectic. In popular culture, much emphasis is placed on the concept of “having it all.” Educators, entertainers and advertisers seem to consistently praise the virtues of working hard, playing hard and resting well. There are few individuals who can pull off this delicate balance. And if you are a single parent with babies, young kids or teens, such a balance can prove truly impossible to achieve.

Whether you are recently separated from your child’s other parent or you have been a single parent for some time, there is absolutely no shame in admitting that you cannot achieve this kind of balance. There is also no shame in admitting that you are not perfect. In fact, your kids and your sanity can truly benefit from such an admission.

Your child does not need you to be perfect. And hopefully, you do not demand perfection from yourself. When you admit to your child that you have shortcomings, this admission teaches your child that it is okay for him or her to have shortcomings as well. In addition, admitting certain faults and missteps to your child can help to take perfection-related pressures off your shoulders.

At the end of the day, your child needs love, acceptance, stability and care. He or she needs you to try your best and nothing more. Your “best” may look very different from day to day, and that is not only okay… it is completely and totally normal, human and reasonable. Hopefully, this is a comforting thought.

Source: The Huffington Post, “10 Things This Single Mom Wants Her Kids to Know,” Stacey Freeman, May 9, 2015

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