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Divorcing? Consider these New Year’s resolutions

As you may or may not know, January is the most popular month for couples in America to file for divorce. There are any number of reasons why individuals opt to divorce in January. Some couples wish to wait to file until after the holiday season is complete. Others view the new year as a time to commit to greater health and happiness. For better and for worse, sometimes greater health and happiness are best achieved by moving on from a committed relationship.

If you are currently divorcing, you may wish to focus on a few resolutions this January which may positively impact your divorce process and may help to ground your future wellbeing. You can choose to think of these resolutions as connected to the new year, but you certainly do not have to do so.

First, you should consider your finances carefully. The pain of your divorce may be inspiring you to shop, travel and otherwise spend money you would have otherwise saved. Spending instead of saving is certainly an understandable urge during divorce. However, your future wellbeing may depend on you exercising restraint right now. If you have any questions about whether you should be spending or saving a certain sum, please do not hesitate to ask your attorney.

Second, you should consider taking excellent care of yourself right now. You may feel too exhausted or busy to do so. However, if you attempt to navigate the divorce process and your new life while unhealthy and drained, you will likely suffer more than you would if you were healthy. Resolving to treat self-care as a necessity rather than a luxury may greatly benefit you right now and into the future.

Source: The Huffington Post, “The 6 New Year’s Resolutions This Divorce Attorney is Making for 2015,” Krista Barth, Dec. 30, 2014

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