Yearly Archives: 2016

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Easing awkward ‘back to school’ situations after divorce

The school year is once again underway. This year could be tougher than others for students in Lafayette Parish. For awhile,…

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Can a prenuptial agreement affect mortgages?

Events in life can be highlighted as happening in very distinct windows of time. That can leave those in Louisiana who…

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Striking a proper (fair) property division balance

Our last post looked at the possibility of psychological differences between men and women that could leave women at something of a disadvantage…

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Does psychology matter when dividing property in divorce?

The process of dissolving a marriage can have a certain “checklist” feel to it. In Louisiana, the rule of family law…

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Violation of child custody has dad indicted on federal charges

Civil court is where family law disputes are to be resolved. This is true for Louisiana and every other state. Unfortunately,…

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The spectrum of mental health problems that can contribute to conflict in a Louisiana marriage and divorce is broad. These issues…

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“Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes.” That’s an old maxim most readers in Louisiana have likely…

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Being mindful is something we probably have all been urged to practice at some point or other in our lives. How…

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Child support payments can wind up being the source of a lot of long-term wrangling in matters of Louisiana family law.…

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In the throes of a relationship collapsing, it can become easy to get so focused on the one-to-one tensions that it…

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