Yearly Archives: 2016

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Family is foundational to society. Dad is foundational to family

It is regularly stated that the family is the foundation of society. Whether you grant that to be true or not,…

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Is divorce risk higher or lower for those who marry later?

As individuals, we tend to hate to think that we fall into categories. But the truth is that we are social…

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Do I have to pay child support if I’m receiving workers’ comp?

Success in real estate is said to depend on three things: location, location and location. When the issue of child support…

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No matter a victim’s age, domestic violence deserves response

Physical, mental or sexual attacks by one person against another are never OK. When someone who supposedly loves you commits such…

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Expert: Dating plans after divorce should include AIDS testing

The last thing a person might be looking to do immediately after a Louisiana divorce is launching into the dating scene.…

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