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Brendan Fraser’s spousal support problem

Sometimes there is no way out of paying alimony to a former spouse. While it certainly is not awarded in every…

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Fatherhood should not decrease your child custody chances

When you first looked upon your firstborn child in a Louisiana hospital delivery room, you likely had similar mixed emotions as…

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There is more to domestic violence than physical abuse

October was domestic violence awareness month. Even though the month has come to a close, this column would like to touch…

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You could encounter some issues regarding child support

Raising kids here in Louisiana or elsewhere can be challenging enough for two-parent households these days, and even more challenging for…

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When would divorce mediation not be the best option?

As more Louisiana couples shy away from the traditional courtroom option to end their marriages, some couples still need the help…

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Collaborative divorce can help couples talk through issues

Numerous Louisiana couples have used divorce mediation to get through the divorce process without relying on the court to make decisions…

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Consider these issues before property distribution

Splitting up assets in a divorce may not be as clear-cut as Louisiana residents believe at first glance. Before sitting down…

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Make the most of your visitation

When it comes to child custody, not all Louisiana families can share parenting time anywhere close to equally. One parent may need…

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Does establishing paternity have any significance on your case?

Fathers’ rights are a tenuous issue in Louisiana, and many fathers feel that they are fighting an uphill battle when seeking…

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You can protect your credit with divorce mediation

Ending a marriage often feels more like ending a business than a relationship. There are assets to divide, and debts as…

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