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Is politics leading to contested and uncontested divorce filings?

The election of 2016 could go down in history as one of the most controversial. In fact, the controversies invaded many…

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Asserting Louisiana fathers’ rights as an unmarried dad

Obviously, Louisiana residents do not have to be married in order to have children together. When a relationship is going well,…

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Do unwed Louisiana fathers really need a paternity test?

Having a child — whether married or not — is typically a joyous occasion in the lives of parents. Many Louisiana…

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Fathers can seek custody modifications too

Even though laws favor shared custody, many fathers in Louisiana feel that courts are ignoring their rights when it comes to…

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Can you turn a contested divorce into an uncontested divorce?

Every Louisiana family is unique. Attempting to fit your circumstances into check boxes and fill-in-the-blank forms just does not work. Whether…

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Family law issues include much more than just divorce

Many of the decisions that alter the lives of Louisiana residents surround those they love. Family law issues involve more than…

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Ways to stop domestic abuse

Those who live in a relationship where there is domestic violence often feel trapped. In fact, it can seem that there…

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Don’t get behind the 8 ball when it comes to child support

Like most Louisiana parents, you probably take your commitment to your children seriously. This includes your financial obligations. Even so, sometimes…

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Determining a fair amount for child support in Louisiana

The end of a marriage is generally a stressful and challenging period for everyone involved. For couples who have children together,…

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Prenuptial agreements can make divorce less stressful

For many Louisiana couples planning a marriage, the idea of a future divorce is unthinkable. However, discussing subjects like prenuptial agreements…

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