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New bill could help domestic abuse victims in divorce filings

Sometimes relationships do not turn out the way both partners envisioned. When a person’s spouse resorts to domestic abuse, victims may…

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Family law: Blended families can benefit from estate planning

Families come in all shapes and sizes these days. Those with children from previous marriages are often called “blended” families. It…

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Financial accounts part of property distribution

Over the past decade or so, the average age when a Louisiana couple decides to marry has increased. There are many…

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Property division can cause complications during divorce

Louisiana couples who are contemplating divorce face several challenges. One of those challenges is how to account for property division. This can…

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When is spousal support available in Louisiana divorce?

Spousal support, maintenance or alimony, as it is sometimes called, can be an important issue in divorce. Although most couples tend…

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Your parenting rights in a co-parenting agreement

Child custody is one of the most important and most difficult issues that must be resolved between two parents who are…

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Property distribution in a gray divorce can be complicated

In Louisiana and elsewhere, gray divorce is on the rise and has been since the 1990s. In fact, 25 percent of…

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Restraining orders offer protection to domestic violence victims

Every day in Louisiana, men, women and children are subjected to violence in the home. Domestic violence is a very real…

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Divorce mediation in Louisiana can be first step to new life

Undoubtedly, most people in Louisiana expect their marriages will last a lifetime. When the truth is different from those expectations, it…

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Restraining orders available for victims of domestic violence

Domestic violence affects numerous families in Louisiana every year. This is an issue that law enforcement officials take very seriously, as…

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