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Spousal support is usually based on several factors

When a marriage ends, one topic that stirs heated emotions may be alimony. Since each marriage is different, it follows that…

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Does Louisiana treat fathers fairly in child custody cases?

If you are going through a divorce or separation, or if you are an unwed father in Louisiana, it is easy…

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Fathers still seeking fair child custody arrangements

Advocates for fathers’ rights say they have seen significant improvements in divorces involving children. In the past 20 years, child custody cases…

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To simplify property division, separated couples evaluate finances

Often when couples in Louisiana consider divorce, they do not have a clear idea of how drastically their financial situations may…

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In contested divorce, electronic evidence is becoming the norm

Within the past decade, many divorce proceedings in Louisiana have involved a different kind of expert witness: the family computer. Some…

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Best interests of the child ignored as adults fight for custody

A woman with temporary custody of her five-year-old grandson had cause for concern following recent events. Like many grandmothers in Louisiana…

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Adjusting child support: Avoiding nonpayment

Especially in the early process of divorce, the proceedings can be difficult and downtime abundant. When the courts create a temporary…

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New child support rule may benefit incarcerated parents

When a person is in jail in Louisiana, he or she has few resources to pay debts. In 2010, a study…

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Fathers’ rights: 3 areas that deserve your attention

If you are struggling with matters associated with fathers’ rights, it’s important to learn more about your legal rights and how…

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Property division not easy for man with $20 million settlement

There are at least two sides to every divorce. This may be especially true when it comes to property division and…

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