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Emancipation: When parents and children seek to separate

The general rule of law in Louisiana is that parents and children are bound to each other in some way until…

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Parents advised to avoid child custody conflicts after divorce

Louisiana parents who end their marriages often face continued legal battles afterwards. Unfortunately, such battles often involve issues regarding their children,…

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Baseball star, Bartolo Colon, in court dispute over secret family

Whether in a quiet Louisiana neighborhood, or in the limelight of a professional baseball team, it is never easy to become…

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Create a positive impression at child custody hearings

Divorce is rarely easy, and, even after a settlement, former spouses often face ongoing legal problems. Continued discord may be associated…

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Louisiana child support guidelines may vary from other states

It is not uncommon for those who divorce in Louisiana to worry about facing further legal challenges regarding issues that pertain…

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Government may end funding for domestic violence shelters

Various types of altercation may be grounds for criminal charges, as well as civil lawsuits in Louisiana. Domestic violence encompasses a…

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Tupac Shakur’s parents in divorce battle before recent death

When affluent couples in Louisiana choose to end their marital unions, various legal challenges often arise. The same can typically be…

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How do I go about seeking a protection order in Louisiana?

Did you know that there are 12 statutes and articles on the books in Louisiana related to seeking protection orders from…

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What Louisiana laws cover grandparent visitation and custody?

Few would likely deny that the norm for most Louisiana families is one that is cross-generational. Where there are children, there…

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What can I as a parent of a divorcing child do to help?

Lots of books and seminars offer guidance to help couples get through divorce. There’s not much out there to help parents…

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