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Can pet custody be part of a prenuptial agreement?

When you talk about your family do you include Fido, Fluffy, Polly or Iggy? A lot of people in Louisiana do.…

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What Social Security rights do children of unwed parents have?

Child support is probably one of the most important matters that family law deals with in Louisiana. It can also be…

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Things to know about high conflict divorce

When it comes to divorce there can be a lot of issues that turn the proceedings into a high-conflict situation. But…

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MLB credited with decisive anti-domestic violence action

Domestic violence is not a pretty thing. Some in Louisiana may agree with the opinion that it would be more appropriately…

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Is bird’s nest a custody plan soup you want to get into?

Mom and dad can’t stay under the same roof together. Divorce seems the proper solution, but the children shouldn’t suffer as…

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The ins and outs of divorce in Louisiana

It is no secret that divorce can be taxing. There is simply no denying the fact that the breakup of a…

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What’s the best parenting plan for my situation?

Families are made up of individuals. Just as no two individuals are alike, neither are any two families. And in the…

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Family is foundational to society. Dad is foundational to family

It is regularly stated that the family is the foundation of society. Whether you grant that to be true or not,…

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Is divorce risk higher or lower for those who marry later?

As individuals, we tend to hate to think that we fall into categories. But the truth is that we are social…

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Do I have to pay child support if I’m receiving workers’ comp?

Success in real estate is said to depend on three things: location, location and location. When the issue of child support…

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