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Not every change in circumstance warrants a support modification

There are a lot of things in life that spark arguments over what’s right and what’s fair. Sometimes the two things…

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What consequences could I face for violating child custody?

The bond between parent and child is one that is recognized by society, and thus the courts, as almost sacrosanct. But…

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How to insure third-party trusts against divorce division

Louisiana is a community property state. What that means is that, generally speaking, property accumulated during a marriage is considered equally…

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Study looked at role of marriage in family stability

There’s an old jump rope chant that some Louisiana readers may recall that talks about the normal course relationships often follow.…

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‘It takes a village’ applies for enforcing restraining orders

A common point of view about restraining orders is that they are not worth much. A judge in a court signs…

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What effect might an Ashley Madison account have in divorce?

There was a nearly audible nationwide gasp earlier this summer when the story broke that hackers had gotten hold of and…

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What effect does government assistance have on child support?

It’s widely estimated that nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. Very often, those couples are parents. It is also…

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What constitutes domestic violence under Louisiana law?

What is the number one health concern in the country today? According to the U.S. Surgeon General, it’s domestic violence. That…

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Baby conceived through surrogacy in legal custody limbo

It may be possible for a single man or woman in Louisiana to become a parent if they want to by…

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529 college accounts can be tricky in divorce

It used to be the norm in Louisiana and the rest of the country that a child graduated from high school…

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