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Examining some of the risk factors for divorce

When the difficult decision to divorce is made, there is a very good chance that both spouses will spend some time…

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Avoiding divorce ‘frenemies’

Sometimes it is best to avoid interacting with certain friends, loved ones and acquaintances during particularly sensitive times. Even individuals who…

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Navigating the immediate emotional aftermath of your divorce

If you and your spouse have decided to divorce, that decision is likely to impact your life in various ways for…

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Learning from your parents’ divorce before you divorce

If your parents divorced when you were a child and you are considering divorcing your spouse, you are likely concerned that…

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Worried about your child post-divorce? Consider this – Part II

In our last post, we began a discussion about addressing your child’s emotional aches and pains during divorce and in the…

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Worried about your child post-divorce? Consider this – Part I

As his or her parent, you almost certainly know your child better than anyone else does. This knowledge can be comforting…

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Are you divorcing an emotionally abusive spouse?

Emotional abuse is a phenomenon that is not always easy to identify. It may be particularly difficult for an individual involved…

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Should your child testify in your custody dispute?

If you and your child’s other parent disagree about where and with whom your child should live, you may find that…

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How your family law dispute could be affected by online pictures

Posting pictures online and sending pictures via email is now a ubiquitous practice. Posting and transmitting pictures via the Internet is…

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Understanding the concept of annulment

At its most basic, the institution of marriage is a legal contract between two individuals. As a result, certain principles of…

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