Category Archives: Firm News

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Divorcing? Don’t hit your emotional off-switch, please

You and your spouse have decided to divorce. Are you overwhelmed by your emotions? Chances are that you are indeed overwhelmed.…

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Earlier this month, we wrote about the importance of behaving in a straightforward and consistent manner when telling your spouse that…

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Telling your spouse that you wish to file for divorce

If you have decided that you want to file for divorce, you have made a life-altering choice. It was likely not…

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When your child’s other parent leaves

Sometimes when couples divorce, the process is amicable and each former partner is able to remain a healthy and stable part…

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What is ‘intimate terrorism’ and who commits it?

If you have stumbled across the phrase “intimate terrorist” you may be curious about what it means. Similarly, if you have…

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Helping your children through the pain of divorce

If the title of this blog post caught your eye, you are likely a concerned parent who is either divorcing or…

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Is it time for you and your spouse to go your separate ways?

When couples decide to divorce, each spouse may experience a myriad of emotions. In addition to anger, grief and frustration, some…

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If kids could fully express their feelings about your divorce

Children and teens do not always know how to express themselves fully. Even when they are crying, yelling or otherwise engaging…

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Does it make sense to file a termination of alimony claim?

Many Americans prefer to make a good, old-fashion “pro and con” list before making numerous kinds of life decisions. It is…

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Why you should consider a prenuptial agreement for social media

We have previously written about the fact that prenuptial agreements are no longer tied to the social stigmas that they once…

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