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Can family law issues be contagious?

People in Louisiana generally like to think that they think and act of their own accord and not because of outside…

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Are millennials killing the divorce industry?

Popular media often paints millennials as desperate for instant gratification, willing to drop anything that is not working in their favor.…

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Prenuptial agreements help with more than just divorce

Planning the perfect wedding day is perhaps one of the most romantic endeavors that a Louisiana couple can undertake. Prenuptial agreements…

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Understand what you’re up against as a father seeking custody

The media makes it appear as though fathers no longer face some discrimination in courtrooms when it comes to gaining custody…

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2019 tax changes set to affect spousal support

Post-divorce support payments are a common feature of Louisiana family law. Spousal support is just one such payment that involves one…

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A temporary child custody order is a good idea for most parents

Most people hope for a quick and painless conclusion to their divorce proceedings. Unfortunately, real life is often very different. Divorces…

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Is physical abuse the only type of domestic violence?

The definition of domestic violence that most people are familiar with is actually fairly narrow. Although domestic violence can and often…

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Do you really need to read prenuptial agreements before signing?

Using a prenuptial agreement to safeguard assets and protect oneself from debt is a great option for most people in Louisiana.…

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Angelina Jolie goes after Brad Pitt for child support

Movie fans often idolize celebrity actors and actresses, but they do not have all the answers to life’s big issues. Most…

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It’s not all about child support — plan for college too

Louisiana parents are often hyper-focused on their children during divorce. From figuring out child support to creating the best possible custody…

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