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Engaged couples should talk through issues to avoid divorce drama

Engagements are exciting occasions, and many may think that discussing the possibility of divorce at this time will take away from…

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How to handle pet custody through divorce mediation

While child custody is commonly discussed in family law, one issue that gets less coverage is custody of pets. However, this…

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Are you the subject of parental alienation?

Divorce is often a difficult and destructive time for families. Emotions run high, and both spouses may feel a sense of…

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Louisiana Senate reviews family law concerns regarding the age to marry

The laws surrounding marriage and divorce are frequently discussed by lawmakers. Louisiana is now broaching a family law issue regarding the age in which…

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Senate passes law aimed at protecting domestic violence victims

For those in violent or abusive marriages, the presence of weapons in the home can pose a serious danger. Louisiana lawmakers…

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Property distribution and debt distribution in divorce

When people discuss separation agreements, the division of assets is often a hot topic. But what about the division of liabilities,…

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How can I establish paternity so I can seek custody of my kids?

You and your significant other decided to call it quits. You learned after the fact that she was pregnant, had the…

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Child custody and paternity rights questioned in unusual case

Precedents set by unique legal scenarios often change the way future cases are considered by judges. In Louisiana, a complicated child…

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Criminal charges can result from violating a child custody ruling

When a family court renders a decision about where a child must live, it is very important that both parents follow…

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My ex believes child support and custody to be intertwined

You and your wife decided to end your marriage. You went through the divorce process, reaching a settlement on your assets,…

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