Various types of altercation may be grounds for criminal charges, as well as civil lawsuits in Louisiana. Domestic violence encompasses a wide range of potential incidents, including but not limited to physical abuse, emotional trauma and/or sexually related issues. Such situations may be difficult to pursue in court without help from experienced legal advisors.
The issue of domestic violence is said to be ranked number one regarding current health concerns in the United States. Some say the actual number of cases is probably much higher than reported events, due to the intensely personal, and often frightening nature of such circumstances. In addition, those involved need not to be biologically related to one another in order for an instance to be categorized in this manner.
In another state, shelters were set up for those facing homelessness due to domestic violence issues. However, a recent government defunding of approximately $5 million has apparently placed nearly 200 children and 60 women at risk for being turned to the streets. The shelter where they have been residing has allegedly been told that the residents must be evicted because there are not enough incoming funds to keep the place afloat.
Anyone in Louisiana faced with similarly dire circumstances due to domestic violence may want to contact a family law attorney for guidance. An experienced attorney normally possesses a clear understanding of the state and federal laws that govern such matters. He or she would be able to help a concerned citizen explore any options that might be available toward a legal solution to the problem.
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