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How your family law dispute could be affected by online pictures

Posting pictures online and sending pictures via email is now a ubiquitous practice. Posting and transmitting pictures via the Internet is convenient and allows others instant access to visual information about an individual’s life. When you post a picture online, that picture says something about who you are, what interests you and what you value. As a result, it is critically important that you think twice about posting any pictures online that could potentially impact your family law dispute in negative ways.

When you are divorcing, disputing child custody or even seeking an adoption, the pictures you post online or send to others via email could be used as evidence against you. Even if you have certain privacy settings enabled, the pictures you post or send could ultimately come back to haunt you. It is therefore very important that you view your pictures as a judge might before posting them.

For example, say that you are involved in a dispute regarding child support. Perhaps you have sought a modification to your child support order indicating that you need to pay less support due to challenging financial circumstances. Then, you post numerous pictures of you out with your friends at bars and clubs. You have every right to go out with your friends and to take pictures of yourself doing so. However, a judge might view these pictures as evidence of your irresponsibility and refusal to take a second job at night in order to fulfill your support obligations. This is only a singular example of how pictures posted online can impact a family law dispute negatively.

Source: The Huffington Post, “The 15 Dos and don’ts For Posting Pictures Online,” Lisa Copeland, Jan. 26, 2015

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