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Is the best way to win a child custody battle not to fight?

Many Louisiana parents find themselves at the end of their relationships. As a result, they may also find themselves involved in a child custody battle. In some cases, the best way to win is not to fight, but what happens when that does not work?

Some couples can come to a custody agreement without going to court. If that does not work for you and the other parent, it may help to know what you could face. Understanding what the court looks for when it hears child custody cases, could provide you with the tools you need to prepare for your court date.

Be sure to have all your documentation prepared that you want the court to review. You may also want to dress appropriately for court. As shallow as it may seem, your appearance can make a difference to the court. It shows that you take the process seriously, which could also imply that your children’s well-being is a priority for you. As much as it may go against your current feelings for the other parent, the court will also want to know that you are willing to keep the lines of communication open with him or her for the sake of the children.

There is more to dealing with a child custody battle than this, but it does provide you with a good place to start. In order to gain a full understanding of your rights and some guidance regarding going through the process it may be a good idea to talk to a Louisiana family law attorney. Doing so could increase your chances of a favorable outcome.

Source:, “How to Win a Child Custody Battle,” Debrina Washington, accessed Dec. 2, 2017

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