Despite the fact that gender roles within families continue to change, the perception of the mother keeping the family home with the children and the father living in a small, dark and dingy apartment seem to persist.
You may be facing paying child support and/or alimony, so your choice of place to live may be from a place of panic that you won’t have enough to live on after the finalization of the divorce. The problem with that is that when you ask for either sole or joint custody, the court will scrutinize your choice of abode.
What does the court look at when it comes to your living arrangements?
When a Louisiana judge considers custody requests, he or she will look at the following when it comes to your living accommodations:
It may take more work, but fathers have the same opportunities to seek custody as mothers do according to the law. However, in reality, courts still tend to believe that mothers should serve as the primary custodian. This antiquated notion may be changing, but probably not fast enough for many fathers seeking sole or joint custody of their children. For this reason, it is crucial that you put your best foot forward, and this includes making sure that your living situation easily accommodates your children and their needs.
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